不过这个方法主要针对Lightning Deal(秒杀)活动。具体来说,就是以买家的视角进入Deal界面,查看自己选品的目标大分类,看看哪些产品的进度条跑的快,就可以将其列入潜力观察列表或者选品列表里。
However, this method is mainly aimed at lightning deal activities. Specifically, enter the deal interface from the buyer's perspective, check the target classification of your selection, and see which products have fast progress bars, so you can include them in the potential observation list or selection list.cheap IG followers,Instagram video likes
我认为,LD本身费用比较高昂,即使11月活动期间降价也需要300-500美金。在这样的情况下,一方面,卖家会把自己 好的产品展示出来,这是 次筛选;另一方面,亚马逊平台本身也不可能把售卖不佳的产品排在黑五当天,这又做了二次筛选。在这些经过层层筛选的产品中,进度条跑的快的产品就很可能是潜力产品。